
17 Apr

I feel like that is an odd title to call this blog post but that is what it’s about. I am in the middle of working on two papers, the other night as I was working through some ideas and doing some free writing. I started to become frustrated because I was so close to having evidence to the point I was making but I felt like I was going in circles.

Yesterday, when I went to see my English professor over the frustrations that I was having over the my paper. I ended up talking to my old professor, the one that I had for three semesters, since my professor was out of the office. I was wondering where he was so that he could look at my paper. I was secretly glad that he was not there because I still want work out a few other thoughts before I gave him, my paper to look at. Last night, I was looking through the travel awards because the professor that I am the lab assistant for had posted which Graduate Assistants had been given awards to go to conferences. I naturally was looking through the English department and saw my old professor’s name and that he was going to a conference sometime in May. Then I started poke around in previous years and saw his name again. The title of the presentation that he was given was listed and the names of his papers just sound so profession and put together. Sure, that is his job.

I was starting to beat myself up a little because I was questioning someday would I ever be like that. Since I have ambitions to be a professor ( I don’t think I could trade reading books, listening to lectures, learning, and writing papers for an office job), would I ever write papers and share with the world my life’s passion for Cormac McCarthy, Flannery O’Connor, Wendell Berry, or some other author that I yet to discover.

I found this quote on Pinterest:

This quote is telling me that even though I still have a long road ahead of me that it is all going to be worth it in the end, that I should not compare my professor work with my work because I am only beginning on this long journey called life.


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Posted by on April 17, 2013 in Uncategorized


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